
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter EighteenDataView Integration (continued)



The on_edit_row event handler is called when the user requests that the content of a row be edited. This event is tied to the DATA_EDIT_ROW menu function.



int on_edit_row ( int row, int column ) { ... }



An int that specifies the row of the cell to be edited.


An int that specifies the column of the cell to be edited. This column is provided for convenience in the event the handler wants to highlight or select a specific item in the script editor.

Return Value

Returns an int. The script should return anything but ERROR_CANCEL (0x82000000) to override the default behavior. If the event is not canceled, the return code is passed back to the caller (presumably the menu dispatch).


Generally edit row allows the supporting code to present a friendlier or more in depth dialog to edit a row or a record.

The on_edit_row event allows a script to intercept and process the row edit function. It is up to the script to present any dialogs and perform functions to replace a row’s content.

The event can be canceled by returning ERROR_CANCEL.

Related Events

Page revised 2025-03-13