
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter NineteenTextView Integration (continued)

19.1 Text View

19.1.1 Overview

The Text View module handles three basic editing functions: plain text editing as a word processor; code editing for HTML (Code View); and, program editing for scripts, general data, XML and PHP.

Behavior of the view changes depending on the file type. Popup menus and other information will be adjusted as a file is opened to accommodate the file type. For example, an HTML file will have HTML functions in the popup/context menu while an text file will have alignment and other text tools in the menu.

Regardless of their personality, a Text View view is normally paired with another Text View or a Page View:

Each view will have its own Edit Object (positions and select) and share the same Mapped Text Object and Edit File (if opened from a file).

19.1.2 Related Functions

Most of the functions that apply are covered in other sections but are listed here.

Edit Objects:

GetCaretXPosition — Return the current caret X position (column position) in native or realized position.

GetCaretYPosition — Return the current caret Y position (line position).

GetEditObjectChangeCount — Returns the number of pending changes or total changes, if flag is TRUE.

GetEditObjectElapsedTime — Returns the elapsed time in seconds since opened.

GetEditObjectName — Return the edit object/window name (source file or object).

GetEditObjectType — Return the edit/object window type.

GetSelectClue — Return the select clue.

GetSelectCount — Return the number of selected items (if the mode is array).

GetSelectEndXPosition — Return the select end X position.

GetSelectEndYPosition — Return the select end Y position.

GetSelectMode — Return the current select mode.

GetSelectStartXPosition — Return the select start X position.

GetSelectStartYPosition — Return the select start X position.

SetCaretPosition — Sets the caret position (updated on CloseHandle or UpdateEditWindow).

SetSelectArea — Sets the select area as one group are or an array or groups.

SetSelectClue — Sets the select clue.

SetSelectMode — Sets the select mode.

Mapped Text Objects:

GetMappedTextEncoding — Returns the encoding for a Mapped Text Object.

GetMappedTextEncodingString — Returns the encoding for a Mapped Text Object as a string.

GetMappedTextFilename — Returns the name of the file associated with a Mapped Text Object.

ReadLine — Reads the next line of data from a Basic File or Pool Object, or, reads a specified line from a Mapped Text or Edit Object.

WriteSegment — Writes a segment of string data to a Mapped Text or Edit Object at an optional specified position.