
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter Twenty-oneEDGARView Integration (continued)

21.8 EDGAR Filing and System Interface

21.8.1 Overview

Use of the filing features in no way abrogates the per workstation licensing requirements of application or its components. Use of the filing SDK functions serving commercial production services, web services or large scale filing is prohibited under the standard license agreement unless covered by a separate and specific license agreement.

The GoFiler version of the Legato SDK contains a series of functions to access the EDGAR system. Session access allows a session to be established with default or specified credentials and then allows for direct HTTP requests. In addition, a complete XML submission file can be submitted via the EDGAR interface.

21.8.2 EDGAR Session

For GoFiler, the underlying application manages the connections to the SEC’s EDGAR System. This is done to avoid thrashing and repeatedly logging in and out (which can be interpreted as a denial of service attack). Once logged in, the application maintains the connection until different credentials are used to access the system or the connection times out.

To establish a session, use the EDGARSessionOpenSession function which will return a session handle. If a session is already open, the exiting session information is setup and applied to the returned handle. With a session handle, an HTTP handle can be retrieved and communications directly engaged with the EDGAR system. The session ID, used in every query, can be retrieved using the EDGARSessionGetProperties function.

21.8.3 EDGAR Next

Certain functions are supplied to interface with the EDGAR Next beta system. These functions, as well as the SEC’s EDGAR Next are subject to change.

21.8.4 Functions 

EDGARSessionGetHTTPHandle — Retrieves the HTTP handle for the EDGAR System access session.

EDGARSessionGetProperties — Returns the current session's properties.

EDGARSessionOpenSession — Opens or accesses a session to the EDGAR System.

EDGARNextIsBetaEnabled — Tests whether the EDGARNext feature is enabled.

EDGARNextIsAPISetup — Tests whether the EDGAR Next API credentials are available.

EDGARNextAPISubmit — Submits a file using the EDGAR Next API.

EDGARNextMakeAPICall — Make a custom EDGAR Next API call.

EDGARSetUserCredentials — Sets EDGAR Next user credentials.

Page revised 2025-03-13