
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter Twenty-oneEDGARView Integration (continued)

EDGARResponseGetSeries Function


The EDGARResponseGetSeries function returns a table containing series and class information extracted from the response message, if present.



string [][] = EDGARResponseGetSeries ( string data | handle hMessage, [boolean terse] );



A string containing the response message. Or,


A handle to a Response Message Object.


An optional boolean value that when TRUE, will result in the table being created with the series ID and name only being added when a new series starts in the list.

Return Value

A string table containing the series and class information returned in the response message or an empty list on failure. Use the GetLastError function to retrieve a formatted error code.


Only certain types of EDGAR response messages contain series and class information. The function expects the ‘SERIES AND CLASSES (CONTRACTS) SUMMARY’ heading in the incoming messages. If it is not present, the function will return an empty table with the error ERROR_EOD.

Data returned in the table is formatted by a row for each class and a column for each item data. The columns have the following key names:

  Key Name   Description
  Type   Type response from the SEC/EDGAR System as: “NEW”, “EXISTING” or “MERGED”.
  SeriesID   Series ID as existing or assigned by the SEC. In terse mode, only the first series name for a sequence of classes will have a value.
  SeriesName   Series name. In terse mode, only the first series name for a sequence of classes will have a value.
  ClassID   Class ID.
  ClassName   Class name.
  Ticker   Ticker name, if not assigned the SEC returns “NO_VALUE”.


Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE