Solutions for FERC XBRL Reporting
FERC Solutions
XBRLworks is the easy choice for FERC XBRL reporting. Its simple interface, powerful tools, and intuitive design will save you time, and our fair pricing will save you money. XBRLworks will help you meet your FERC compliance requirements at a fraction of the cost of other FERC XBRL software.
XBRLworks simplifies XBRL reporting for FERC. While XBRL is complex, meeting the FERC requirements isn’t. All you need to do is take your data your source software and place it in an easy web form. The software creates the tagged report automatically and submits it to the FERC, so you simply enter your data, review it, and send it.
How It Works
- XBRLworks is a simple form interface. XBRL tagging is done completely by the software, so users only need to add data by inputting it into the appropriate fields on an intuitive web form or by importing it into the form.
- Data can be copied from external applications like Excel and pasted directly onto the sheet. Entire columns, rows, and tables can be pasted in at a time, so data entry can be performed in minutes.
- XBRLworks handles all FERC XBRL forms: 1, 1-F, 2, 2-A, 3-Q, 6, 6-Q, 60, and 714. Your subscription level will give you access to different forms and you can then file an unlimited number of forms for an unlimited number of entities for the duration of your subscription.
- Equivalent fields are edited automatically; changing data in one place will update it everywhere it appears in the report. All the underlying XBRL information is handled by the software. XBRL information and documentation can be accessed on every field, so you know exactly what needs to be disclosed for each item.
- Revision and edit history is preserved for each field with tools to restore older versions or roll back changes on a per-page basis.

XBRLworks provides flexible proofing options to facilitate revisions and review. Certain subscription tiers include the ability to invite reviewers to directly view and comment on documents within the XBRLworks software. For subscriptions that don’t support collaboration or for users who want to keep their current review processes, XBRLworks can create HTML and PDF proofs of your submissions before you file.
Proofing and Review
- Online reviewers are provided with tools to mark problematic data points on a form, to leave comments for other users, and to approve form pages. Reviewers can’t directly edit the forms or form data, keeping full control of editing data in the hands of approved users.
- “Paper” proofs can be created in PDF, HTML, Excel or inline XBRL format. Proofs can be generated at any time during the creation and editing of your form and can be downloaded and shared electronically.
- Forms can be proofed as a single document or as individual pages.
- XBRL documents can be created and downloaded for review at any time, so you can view the XBRL tagging that is being done by XBRLworks and be comfortable in knowing exactly what you are sending to the FERC.

Premium subscriptions include collaboration tools to allow a team leader to invite their team members to collaborate on projects. Team leaders can assign projects and tasks to individual team members, restrict access to certain pages of the form, and oversee the progress of each project.
- Team leaders control permissions for all team members on a per-project basis. A team member can be set as a reviewer for one project and an editor on another. Levels of access for editing can also be maintained to restrict users from editing pages if they do not have permission to do so.
- Collaboration includes tasks and messaging directly within the software. Project-level tasks with deadlines and reminders can be set and assigned to team members. Users can communicate with each other via task comments or our internal messaging system.
- All team members and leaders have access to an activity stream. This live stream shows actions performed by team members as they occur.

XBRLworks for FERC
We believe filing XBRL reports to the FERC should be easy and affordable. Your job is to gather your data from your systems. Let XBRLworks handle the rest.
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