GoFiler supports a lot of user customization to allow it to meet your exact needs. One of the primary means of customizing the software is through the use of templates. The various templates used by the application can be altered to override or to add to existing functionality. Templates can also provide you with the exact look and feel you want when creating new documents, setting up projects, and publishing reviewer’s proofs.
GoFiler Complete supports nine different types of templates with each type providing a different method of customizing your user experience. We’ll briefly discuss each template type in this article. You can also download detailed instructions to learn more about each template and how you can create your own templates to tailor the software to your company’s needs. (Depending on which filing software you use from the GoFiler suite, you may have access to only some of these templates. For example, the Go13 software doesn’t contain support for XBRL, so you will not be able to edit the XBRL proofing templates.)
1. Settings Template
The Settings Template is a great tool for users in an enterprise environment. The data within the Settings Template tells the software what to use as its default settings every time the application loads. By creating and sharing a Settings Template, you can be assured that all of the users in an enterprise environment have the same settings for conversion, editing, validating and filing.
Options can be set within the Settings Template that go above and beyond the available options within the application’s preferences dialog. These additional options are outlined in the downloadable instructions for creating the Settings Template file.
2. Blank HTML Template
The Blank HTML Template is the template used whenever a user creates a new HTML file using the New HTML File function. When you create a blank HTML file, the software uses its default template (which provides you with the necessary HTML header with 10pt Times set as the font for the document and an empty paragraph tag to get started).
Using the Blank HTML Template, you can add any style or header information you want to be included when a new HTML document is created. For example, you could add an HTML Doctype to the header or change the body style so that each new document was set up to your specification.
3. Proofing Templates
Depending on the GoFiler application you are using, there are a number of different templates for proofing files. These templates are used when proofing HTML files, EDGAR submission (or GoFiler Project) files, and EDGAR XML files. Each of these proofing templates is an HTML file that you can fully edit to override both the style and the structure of the proof.
For EDGAR XML forms, the proofing templates are generally designed to match the look of the form as it is displayed in the SEC’s EDGAR archive or to match the corresponding paper form. For submission proofing and HTML document proofing, the templates provide a “wrapper” for the proofed data, to allow you to add headers and footers or include summary-type information.
4. Quick Parts Template
On the Edit Ribbon in GoFiler, there is a function to insert “quick parts” into a document. “Quick Parts” are snippets of repetitive data or commonly used terms or items. Default quick parts include salutations, subject lines and closings and are inserted into a document via the Insert Quick Parts menu. By changing the
Quick Parts Template, the items on the menu can be added, removed or altered. You can create quick parts as simple plain text or use more complicated lines of HTML.
5. Signatures Template
Another item on the Edit Ribbon can be used to insert default signature lines. As with the Insert Quick Parts menu, you can modify the default signature lines by creating a Signatures Template. When you create a new Signatures Template, the items that appear on the Insert Signatures menu can be added, removed or altered. Signatures can be simple text or stylized HTML.
6. Page Break Templates
Page Break Templates allow you to have a number of styles for page breaks ready to go. If you have various clients who use certain styles for their page breaks or if your company uses different headers and footers depending on what type of document is being filed, you will find that having a template file filled with your commonly used page break styles will save you time.
Styles for page breaks can be loaded into the Page Break Options dialog using the Functions for Inserting Page Breaks button. The menu that appears contains several pre-loaded styles, but you can customize this list and populate it with your own styles.
7. XBRL Proofing Template
The XBRL Proofing Template is used when you use the Proof With SEC Previewer function. As with some of the other proofing templates, the data in this template is used as a wrapper around the document. You can adjust the style of the frame for the HTML file that results when using the Proof With SEC Previewer function by customizing this template.
8. Document Templates
GoFiler includes options to create new files from template files. Unlike the Blank HTML Template, these template files typically are used to create files that have a significant amount of standard data. For example, default templates within GoFiler include HTML and plain text versions of EDGAR forms such as a Form 10-Q or Form 8-K. These
templates contain the cover page, a standard table of contents, and a signature page. Users can then add data via conversion or author the document directly within the software.
These document templates can be very helpful in building new documents very quickly when a standardized format is required. When you create a custom template, you will be able to choose it by using the New HTML File With Template or New Text File With Template function.
9. Dashboard Templates
GoFiler Complete and GoFiler Corporate both support the Dashboard Template. The application Dashboard allows users to perform various tasks, such as viewing recent filings or creating projects. The look and feel of this page can be customized as well as some of the commands contained within it.
Using templates can be an easy way to save time and to create a uniform experience for each GoFiler user in your organization. If you’d like to learn more about customizing the templates in GoFiler, download our helpful guide below or contact our support team for more details.

Additional Resources:
Novaworks Knowledge Center - Creating custom proofs
Novaworks Knowledge Center - Custom template keywords