Please use the Check for Updates function to update your software to the latest version.
GoFiler Complete 5.9a
General Items
– The RSS feed categories have been refined on the Novaworks website and as such the RSS News Settings dialog has also been updated.
General EDGAR Updates
– Updated to EDGAR 21.2.
– Changed Forms S-1, S-1/A, S-3, S-1/A, F-1, F-1/A, and F-1/A to update the Fees and Offerings page to allow issuers of Exchange Traded Vehicle Securities to register an indeterminate number of securities and pay the fee for those securities on an annual basis.
– Added logic to warn the user of opening a submission record file.
– Corrected an issue that would cause some XBRL files to be unable to be validated as part of a project.
Form MA Updates
– The duration of incarceration for criminal DRP is now optional.
Section 16 Updates
– Added an INI setting that specifies not to reverse the names when retrieving reporting owners from the CIK Library.
N-CEN Updates
– Added two new sub-items to Item C.7.
– Added Item F.18 and Item F.19 to Part F.
– Updated the validation to match the validation changes made in EDGAR 21.2.
– Added support for the IFRS 2021 Taxonomy.
– Added support for the IFRS 2021 taxonomy.
– When the element NetCashProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivities is the total for a calculation, the “Create Calculation” tool will now automatically assume a debit balance type.
– Create Calculation now works with column element engrams.
– Added a check so the Create XFR wizard and Add iXBRL functions will not continue if the XDX custom element file or XDX structural override file specified by the XDX HTML file cannot be found.
– Clicking on entries in the Information View log that is produced by the Add iXBRL function should now bring the cursor to the correct position in the resulting iXBRL file.
– Corrected an issue with nested textual facts that share the same start point but different end points.
– Improved logic for continuations when the end of a text block is marked inside of a table or list.
– Under the tools menu, added the “Start a Continuation” function to mark a level 1, level 2, or level 3 block fact or inline fact as the start of continued content.
– A new function has been added under the calculations menu to delete entire calculations.
– Added logic to remove the iXBRL header and hidden information from the export to HTML function (MS Word).
– Added taxonomy caching to the XBRL modeling class to reduce the validation time.
– Improved taxonomy loading by adding namespace and schema alias and expanding the schemas that will be ignored.
– Added more validation of element and attribute matching and required items.
– Added logic to deal with duplicate namespaces (multiple prefixes for the same namespace).
– Added logic to skip comments in XBRL header sections of the iXBRL code when validating.
– Added a function to refresh the file types prior to completing submission validation of a project.
– Added a translation for non-text block strings containing HTML to text.
– Added basic transformations for ixt:booleanfalse, ixt:booleantrue, and ixt-sec:boolballotbox.
– Added complex transformations for ixt:numdotdecimal.
– Added amendment (/A) variants to forms specified from EFM when validating data for compliance with EFM rules.
– Further improved name checking (EFM 6.5.25) to process character entities, translate non-breaking spaces to spaces, and trim both strings prior to attempting a match between the instance registrant name and the SEC database name.
– Added DQC US 0015 validation for v12.0.0.
GoFiler 5.9a
General Items
– The RSS feed categories have been refined on the Novaworks website and as such the RSS News Settings dialog has also been updated.
General EDGAR Updates
– Updated to EDGAR 21.2.
– Changed Forms S-1, S-1/A, S-3, S-1/A, F-1, F-1/A, and F-1/A to update the Fees and Offerings page to allow issuers of Exchange Traded Vehicle Securities to register an indeterminate number of securities and pay the fee for those securities on an annual basis.
– Added logic to warn the user of opening a submission record file.
– Corrected an issue that would cause some XBRL files to be unable to be validated as part of a project.
GoFiler Lite 5.9a
General Items
– The RSS feed categories have been refined on the Novaworks website and as such the RSS News Settings dialog has also been updated.
General EDGAR Updates
– Updated to EDGAR 21.2.
– Changed Forms S-1, S-1/A, S-3, S-1/A, F-1, F-1/A, and F-1/A to update the Fees and Offerings page to allow issuers of Exchange Traded Vehicle Securities to register an indeterminate number of securities and pay the fee for those securities on an annual basis.
– Added logic to warn the user of opening a submission record file.
– Corrected an issue that would cause some XBRL files to be unable to be validated as part of a project.
Go16 Complete 5.9a
General Items
– The RSS feed categories have been refined on the Novaworks website and as such the RSS News Settings dialog has also been updated.
General EDGAR Updates
– Updated to EDGAR 21.2.
– Added logic to warn the user of opening a submission record file.
Section 16 Updates
– Added an INI setting that specifies not to reverse the names when retrieving reporting owners from the CIK Library.
Go16 5.9a
General Items
– The RSS feed categories have been refined on the Novaworks website and as such the RSS News Settings dialog has also been updated.
General EDGAR Updates
– Updated to EDGAR 21.2.
– Added logic to warn the user of opening a submission record file.
Section 16 Updates
– Added an INI setting that specifies not to reverse the names when retrieving reporting owners from the CIK Library.
Go13 5.9a
General Items
– The RSS feed categories have been refined on the Novaworks website and as such the RSS News Settings dialog has also been updated.
General EDGAR Updates
– Updated to EDGAR 21.2.
– Added logic to warn the user of opening a submission record file.
GoFormD 5.9a
General Items
– The RSS feed categories have been refined on the Novaworks website and as such the RSS News Settings dialog has also been updated.
General EDGAR Updates
– Updated to EDGAR 21.2.
– Added logic to warn the user of opening a submission record file.
GoXBRL 5.9a
General Items
– The RSS feed categories have been refined on the Novaworks website and as such the RSS News Settings dialog has also been updated.
– Added support for the IFRS 2021 Taxonomy.
– Added support for the IFRS 2021 taxonomy.
– When the element NetCashProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivities is the total for a calculation, the “Create Calculation” tool will now automatically assume a debit balance type.
– Create Calculation now works with column element engrams.
– Added a check so the Create XFR wizard and Add iXBRL functions will not continue if the XDX custom element file or XDX structural override file specified by the XDX HTML file cannot be found.
– Clicking on entries in the Information View log that is produced by the Add iXBRL function should now bring the cursor to the correct position in the resulting iXBRL file.
– Corrected an issue with nested textual facts that share the same start point but different end points.
– Improved logic for continuations when the end of a text block is marked inside of a table or list.
– Under the tools menu, added the “Start a Continuation” function to mark a level 1, level 2, or level 3 block fact or inline fact as the start of continued content.
– A new function has been added under the calculations menu to delete entire calculations.
– Added logic to remove the iXBRL header and hidden information from the export to HTML function (MS Word).
– Added taxonomy caching to the XBRL modeling class to reduce the validation time.
– Improved taxonomy loading by adding namespace and schema alias and expanding the schemas that will be ignored.
– Added more validation of element and attribute matching and required items.
– Added logic to deal with duplicate namespaces (multiple prefixes for the same namespace).
– Added logic to skip comments in XBRL header sections of the iXBRL code when validating.
– Added a function to refresh the file types prior to completing submission validation of a project.
– Added a translation for non-text block strings containing HTML to text.
– Added basic transformations for ixt:booleanfalse, ixt:booleantrue, and ixt-sec:boolballotbox.
– Added complex transformations for ixt:numdotdecimal.
– Added amendment (/A) variants to forms specified from EFM when validating data for compliance with EFM rules.
– Further improved name checking (EFM 6.5.25) to process character entities, translate non-breaking spaces to spaces, and trim both strings prior to attempting a match between the instance registrant name and the SEC database name.
– Added DQC US 0015 validation for v12.0.0.
Please review the release notes available in our On-Line Community Site for more detailed information about the changes that were made in this release. You can also download a PDF file with the release notes by clicking on the link below.