On March 17, 2025, the EDGAR System will be updated to Release 25.1.
EDGAR Filing Website Updates for Release 25.1
- The Form N-PORT schema for Item B.11.a has been updated to replace the <definitionofTerms> tag with two new tags to allow information to be presented in more usable pieces. The new tag names are <term> and <definitionofTerm>.
- EDGAR will be modified to facilitate the publication of a monthly report containing an aggregation of short sale-related data reported in Form SHO, beginning in 2026. Aggregated reports for 2025 will not be published due to the February 2025 extension granted for compliance with Exchange Act Rule 13f-2 and Form SHO. For more information, please see the Order Granting Temporary Exemption Pursuant to Section 13(f)(3) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 from Compliance with Rule 13f-2 and Form SHO SEC exemptive order.
EDGARLink Online Updates for Release 25.1
- In January 2024, the SEC adopted rulemaking pertaining to IPOs by special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) and in subsequent business combination transactions between SPACs and target companies. Beginning June 30, 2025, registrants are required to comply with the rulemaking by tagging necessary disclosures in Inline XBRL, a structured, machine-readable data language. EDGAR will be updated to support compliance. For more information, please see the Special Purpose Acquisition Companies, Shell Companies, and Projections final rule.
XBRL Updates for Release 25.1
- EDGAR will accept the 2025 versions of the following taxonomies: US-GAAP, US-GAAP-EBP, and SRT (published by FASB) as well as CEF, COUNTRY, CURRENCY, CYD, DEI, ECD, EXCH, FFD, FND, NAICS, OEF, RXP, SBS, SIC, SNJ, SPAC, SRO, STPR, and VIP (published by SEC). For more information, please see the Standard Taxonomies webpage on the SEC’s website for a complete list of supported standard taxonomies.
- EDGAR will accept validations based on FASB's 2025 XBRL US Data Quality Committee Rules Taxonomy (DQCRT).
Fee Exhibit Preparation Tool (FEPT)
- The Help text for all Date fields on FEPT will replace the existing line, "Date formats entered will be converted to the EDGAR preferred yyyy-mm-dd format" with the new line, "Dates entered in this field will be converted to the yyyy-mm-dd format in the underlying Inline XBRL data. However, the presentation of the date when viewed in a browser will be shown in the mm/dd/yyyy format."
- The FEPT was updated to clarify for the purposes of carry forward, offset, combined prospectus, and fees previously paid validations, EDGAR used the "Filing Date" of a previous submission and not the "Period" date tag in the underlying Inline XBRL data.
For inquiries and additional information, please call Filer Support at (202) 551-8900, and choose option 3.
EDGAR Release 25.1 (sec.gov)