Version 6.0b of GoFiler has been released. This release contains adjustments to certain EDGAR Next functions now that EDGAR Next is live, as well as adjustments to NSS to use EDGAR Next when the transition option is checked within GoFiler. Additionally, corrections were made to the functions to copy and paste XDX engrams.
Please use the Check for Updates function to update your software to the latest version.
What’s in the Release
– Corrected an issue that would cause the software to create extensions incorrectly for root elements.
– Corrected an issue with the XDX Engram Copy and Paste functions
General EDGAR Updates
– Corrected an issue with the Download User API Token function.
– Updated the application’s default web address for the EDGAR Filer Management Portal.
– Corrected NSS to use the EDGAR Next CIK if EDGAR Next Transition is enabled.
– Corrected an issue that could cause a circular CIK lookup if API caching is forced and an error occurs.
SCHEDULE 13D/G Updates
– Corrected an issue that would cause the SCHEDULE 13G Items 2(d), 2(e) and 4(a) not to appear on the proof.
Download the release notes for version 6.0b